1- Concept of Health Homeopathic concept of health, Definition of physical Mental health, social health, spiritual health, determinates of health, Indicators, of health, Homeopathic concept of disease & health, .natural history of disease, the disease agents, concept of prevention of diseases.
2- Nutrition and health Classification of foods. Natural sources, requirements, Balance diet, Diseases caused by deficiency of Protein, Vitamins & minerals treatment and prevention a short description shall be given.
3- Environment and Health sources of water supply, Water pollution, water 'borne diseases, purification of water, Health and air, noise, light, solid waste disposal and control medical entomology, arthropod borne diseases and their control, rodent animals and diseases.
4- Basic knowledge of communicable diseases, their causative agent, mode of
transmission as well as methods prevention.
(A). Arthropod borne infection Malaria, Filaria, plague.
(B). Disease by ingestion Enteric fever, Dysentery, cholera, food poisoning,
Poliomyelitis, Hepatitis, worm infection.
(C). Disease by inhalation Diphtheria, Measles, chicken. pox, Influenza, Mumps,
Whooping coughs, tuberculosis.
(D). Zoonosis Rabies.
(E). Contact Disease (I). surface Infection -Trachoma, Tetanus, Ring worm (II). Sexually
Transmit, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, AIDS,
5- Basic knowledge of Non Communicable diseases-Their causative agents, prevention, Caraixal control caneer, diabetes, Blindness.
6- Epidemiology its scope methods uses, immunization Immunological Products find their dose schedule, Principles of disease control.
7- Dis-Infection Type of disinfectants and disinfection. Disinfection pro procedures for faces, urine, sputum, sick room, linen.
8- Demography and family planning Demography cycle, fertility, family planning contraceptives method, behavioral methods, natural family planning method, chemical method, mechanical method, hormonal contraceptives. Population problem of India. Effect of over crowing method: of control,
9- Health Education Objects of health education, various methods of health education. Various measures and health programmes run by govt. of India and international health organization, short description of public health laws Public health administration In India.
10- First Aid Emergency treatment in shock, snake bite, burns, poisoning, fracture and resuscitation methods, Elements of minor surgery and dressing.
11- Sterilization concept of sterilization detailed study of following sterilization
process -
(A). Sterilization with moist and dry heat.
(B). Sterilization .by radiation.
(C). Gaseous sterilization.
1- Practical training for immunization programme.
2- Practical knowledge of working of I.D.H
3- Knowledge about water works department.
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