1- Drug action, chemical characters and toxicology of crude drug substance.
2-Origin and nature of pharmaceutical legislation In India its scope and objectives. Evolution of the “Concept of pharmacy” as an Integral part of the health care system.
3- Principles and significance of professional ethics. Critical study of the code of conduct behavior with patients their attendants, superior officers, coleaques and Subordinate staff.
4- Drug and cosmetics Act 1940 and rules 1945(Corrected up to date 1979)
(A). General study of drugs and cosmetics act and rules there under.
(B). Drugs technical-advisory board.
(C).Power of inspectors.
(D). Sampling procedure.
(E). Procedure and formalities for obtaining licenses for Manufacture for sale of
Homeopathic medicine rule 67-85.
(F). Labeling and packing of Homeopathic medicine,
5- Drugs and magic remedies (objectionable advertisement) Act 1954-General study of the act with special reference to be laid on advertisement, magic remedies, objectionable and permitted advertisements. Diseases which cannot be claimed to be cured.
6- Narcotic drug and psychotropic substances act 1985 – A brief study of the act with special reference to objectives, offences and punishments.
7- Brief Introduction regarding following acts –
(A). Latest drugs (Price control) order in force.
(B). Poison act 1919.
(C). Medicinal and tollet preparation (excise duties) Act 1955 (as amended up to
(D). Medical Termination of Pregnancy act 1971 (as amended up to date).
(E). Medicinal dangerous drugs act and rule 1957
(F). Indian evidence Act.
(G). Workman commensation Act.
8- Brief knowledge of the working of Homeopathic medicine board, UP, Central Council of Homeopathic and C.C.R.H.
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